What is the Cheapest Way to Get a Divorce in Florida?

When you are looking for the cheapest way to get a divorce in Florida, you want to keep a few things in mind. First, you don’t want to go through the whole process of divorce alone, especially if you have children. This is why you should consider hiring an Tampa Divorce Lawyer. They will take care of all of the legal work for you, including filing the paperwork, determining alimony, and handling child support, and more. If you don’t have a lawyer, though, you may want to consider a mediation service. These can be helpful in reducing the stress of getting a divorce and are often more affordable than going it alone.

Pre-suit mediation

Pre-suit mediation is a process used to settle divorce disputes before they go to court. It can be a great way to save money on legal fees. However, it is not for everyone.

Before you decide whether or not to pursue mediation, you should first figure out what you need to resolve. You will probably have to resolve issues such as child custody, child support, alimony, property division, and attorney fees.

The cost of pre-suit mediation varies based on the number of sessions and the complexity of the settlement. Most middle class couples will spend between $2,000 and $4,800 for both parties. If there are serious custody issues, the cost can increase.

If your situation is simple, you may be able to complete the process in a single day. This will require that you and your spouse be willing to talk. In some cases, you will also need to hire a neutral third party to help you reach an agreement.

Online divorce services

Online divorce services provide a quick and efficient way to file your divorce. These services provide legal forms, instructions, and reassurance that the paperwork will be accepted in court. The services also include a network of legal professionals.

There are two types of online divorce services. The cheaper ones are usually designed for couples who want a simple uncontested divorce. This type of divorce can be completed in a month. However, the process can be delayed if there are errors on the form.

Couples who have children are advised to seek help from an attorney. If the couple is in agreement on important issues such as property distribution, child support, and custody, they can file an online divorce.

Uncontested divorces

If you’re thinking about divorce in Florida, there are several ways to get the process started. One of these options is to hire an attorney. An Divorce Lawyer Tampa FL will help you understand your rights and obligations and make sure you make reasonable agreements.

Another choice is to apply for an uncontested divorce. This will save you money and time. However, it is not for everyone.

There are some conditions you must meet to qualify for an uncontested Florida divorce. The first is that one spouse must have been a resident of the state for at least six months before filing. You will also need to show that you and your spouse have reached an agreement on issues like property division, child custody, and alimony.

Child support

When a couple has children, the courts expect both parents to care for their child financially. The court determines the child support according to the guidelines set by Florida. It is calculated based on the combined income of the two parents and takes into account the needs of the children.

Child support is not a tax deductible payment. However, the noncustodial parent can receive credit for child support if the child has a disability or if the child receives a benefit.

There are several steps involved in getting a divorce in Florida. First, both spouses must fill out the appropriate forms. Typically, the court filing fee is $400. During the process, one spouse must complete the necessary financial affidavits and the other must file an affidavit showing their income.


When you are looking to divorce in Florida, alimony is a key concern. The law allows for a variety of options. It’s a good idea to find out what you can get before going to court.

Alimony is based on two factors. One is your spouse’s need for help, and the other is your ability to pay. This can be a complicated issue.

If you’re unsure how much alimony is appropriate, you can consult with a Tampa divorce attorney. He can explain your legal rights.

In Florida, alimony is awarded on a case-by-case basis and is based on the standard of living of both parties. It’s usually determined by a financial analyst or accountant.

Referrer URL :- Divorce Attorney Tampa FL


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